Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pretty in Pink

We have so many amazing photos of our little angel! We can't thank our "photographers" enough for what they did for us. I couldn't imagine being the one to take the photos, but they did such an impressive job. I am still sorting out who took what photos and when, but if you want their contact info I can get it to you. They're all amazing women!
This was one of the photos that Patti Ramos took of our sweet Kristen. (all Patti's photos are copyrighted, so if you want to use one please contact us or her, thanks) Then I did a little editing to it and added the poem. I am putting this in the picture frame that my MOPS Moms gave us, that has a photo on the left and Kristen's footprints in clay on the right in a shadowbox. I'll post a photo of that too when I a get a minute. But wanted to share this with you now. The blanket, my friend Kelly had made for Kristen and it stayed with her from the moment I got to meet her (about 3-4 hours old) until we said goodbye to her. She was the talk of the NICU with her "bling blanket"! (it is super soft and the other side is pink and brown silky fabric! Kelly got it from ) I loved seeing her all swaddled up in her little crib/bassinet and then the nurses would lay this blanket over her. It made her look "dressed up". :)
I love this photo because is shows how little she was and her beautiful, thick hair!


  1. What gorgeous hair! And what a sweet, sweet photo. I look forward to seeing more. I am so glad you had so many people taking photos of your little angel. What a beautiful baby.

  2. Beautiful!
    A special photo for special memories! I love what you did!
    Vicki C.

  3. How beautiful... thank you for bringing that today. I wanted so badly to see it. What a sweet little girl. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


