Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Any one who knows my family knows that we have some pretty crazy deals with numbers. For example my dad and his brother were born on the same day....two years apart. Their parents were born on the same day as each other as well, I believe three years apart, and they were married on that same day! So they celebrated their "Annibirthday" each year. My dad and his brother both married gals with identical birthdays. And it just goes on from there.

So when I was trying to figure out when Ashley would be the same age as Katelynn was when Kristen was born, it didn't really surprise me that it was 12/12/12.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Hurt and the Healer

I've been wanting to blog about this song since I heard it almost 2 months ago. Normally I get kind of tired of hearing a song on the radio because they play it so darn often! But I can't seem to get enough of this. It's by the same band that did "I can only imagine" and I have to say it trumps that song!! At least for me. I want to take time and write what the lyrics me to me, but until I have time to do that, I wanted to share the song and the lyrics, which are so powerful, no matter what you've been through or are going through.
 The part I do want to share is at the end of the bridge, the music swells and the words are so descriptive and together they are both powerful, and then the words say "And hear You say “It’s over now”, when the music softens and there is peace. I envision what it's been like for me to comfort and wake up Katelynn when she's had a bad dream. Cradling her on my lap (which is getting harder to do these days!) and rocking her, caressing her hair, telling her it's over, it's all done, and she's okay, mama's there and the bad dream is all gone. I can only wait until Jesus does that for us - waking us up from this earthly moment we call life, letting us know it's over now, the hardships of our earthly bodies are no longer ours to fight, the heartache of this world are all gone, and we are in His presence, and we are now whole and living in our eternal state in His glory. I love how the lyrics and the music play that out for me.
I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do and your hurt (whatever that looks like for you, and if you're breathing air and living among humans, you have hurt!) collides with the ultimate Healer.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Who dunnit?

Not much to say with this post. Pictures kinda say it all.

However, I will say - she did another spot on her hair just the weekend before. It was very minor and I thought "Whew! If she had to "get it out of her system" and that's all the damage that was done, then we're okay!" Little did I know...