Saturday, November 1, 2008

What a fun day!

Yesterday Katelynn had a lot of fun! She had a friend come over and play for a bit while her mom was with her brothers. Miriam is the younger sister of two older brothers so playdates in their house don't usually have much to do with girls her age. So the last few weeks we have been getting our girls together to play and they love it! Katelynn even started calling Miriam "Sister" a few times during the day, it was really cute! What really got me was that they each would talk in their toddler-speak with one or two discernable words, but they're totally understand each other! This is a photo of them on the couch reading a book. Katelynn wanted to read it to Miriam and Miriam wanted to sit close and look at the pictures. Every time she'd try to get closer, Katelynn would inch away. It was quite funny to watch!

Then of course it was Halloween! Our MOPS group does a costume borrow/swap each year where you can lend your outgrown costumes to other moms. I love it! This year Katelynn got to be Snow White and it fit her so well! Here's the photo we took at home and then one with Nana and Papa at their church's "Harvest Hatchback." They line up cars in their parking lot and the owners decorate the backends of their vehicles so the kids can do their trick-or-treating in the parking lot! She did it last year and did really well. This year was great too!


  1. She was a beautiful snow white!! I love it!

  2. Goodness...haven't looked at your blog for a few days and so many posts to catch up on! I love this outfit..she looks so cute! I've heard of the trunk trick-or-treating..what a great idea and it is a safe idea!
