Thursday, January 15, 2009

Goodies for a Good Cause

I wanted to put in a shameless plug for two really cute little girls and the fund raisers they're doing.

First, Katelynn and I attend a parent-co-op preschool and we're all responsible for helping with the fund raising. This quarter we are selling See's Candy for Valentine's Day. There's lots of options to chose from starting at $5, chocolate gift boxes, peanut brittle, and even gift certificates for 1lb of chocolate! We have to have our orders in by January 23rd and we'll get the orders by February 2nd.

Second, a friend of mine has an 8 year old daughter named Bella and she has Mosaic Trisomy 18. (it was Bella who gave me hope that Kristen might actually make it.) She is one of only two girls in her Girl Scout troop and they are pre-selling their cookies. (Payments don't have to be made until March.) If they sell 1000 boxes they will get a two-night stay at the Great Wolf Lodge. (how fun! can I join their group!?) Each box is $4 and these are the options: Lemon Chalet Cremes, Dulce De Leche, Trefoils, Sugar Free Chocolate Chips, Do-Si-Dos, Tagalongs, Samoas, and of course Thin Mints.

If you'd like to get some sweets from either of these sweeties for your own sweetie, (or for yourself!) please contact me (via e-mail or the blog) and we'll get you hooked up!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for supporting Bella like this. I really thank you for your friendship! Every time I read your blog it makes me a little stronger for Bella and I thank you for that soooo much!!!! With much love Rebecca
