Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What is Grief?

I just found this saying given by a mom who had three teenage boys and then had 5, count them FIVE subsequent lost babies! Trisomy 18 due on Mother's Day but came a month early, Trisomy 21 miscarrage, and three more miscarrages, two of them on separate Thanksgiving Days. This woman and her story leave me speechless.

Grief is Not a Sign of Weakness,
Nor a Loss of Faith,
It is the Price Of Love

My love for Kristen must have been really expensive!! :)

So I guess as long as I grieve (in whatever form that takes) I will be actively loving Kristen.
I kiss Katelynn with my lips, I kiss Kristen with my tears.

I know one day there won't be so many tears and the ache won't be as painful, but I will always grieve and love my little angel baby. I'll just be finding new ways to tell her as I learn to better celebrate her life and not so much mourn her day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Tara! Wow! This blog is amazing. I found you through Jaime and would love to add you to my blog list if that's okay. Our blog is It's private so I'd have to send you an email if you'd like to view it. You can email me at
    I'm so glad to see that you guys are well.
