Monday, January 11, 2010

Katelynn Was Right!!!

Well, it looks like the possibility of us getting a BOY dog in the future is more of a reality in the hopes that Kevin won't feel so left out. We found out today that our new bundle of joy is a GIRL!! I hope to post the photos we got today soon - they're great!

Everyone we talked to or heard/read about us expecting thought we were having a boy except Katelynn. She's said it was a girl from day one. Well, she was right!!

In our two previous pregnancies we were never 100% sure of the gender until the moment we met - this is kinda weird knowing! But fun too! Now we can really work on names, I can really purge the attic of clothes and only keep what we/I really want, and we can stop calling the baby "IT" and say SHE and HER.

Of course, Katelynn is super excited! We took her to the appointment with us since we knew it would be an in-office ultrasound done by the midwife that helped to deliver Katelynn, and she wouldn't mind her being in the room. The baby was really active which was fun for us all to see and Katelynn said she was playing hide-and-seek with how she was coming and leaving the screen! :) Funny how this ultrasound put me more at peace than the "technical" one. I just wanted to see my baby, looking like a baby, acting like a baby. I'm glad she has spleen and healthy liver, but I want to see her suck her thumb or something! We saw her opening and closing her mouth and even got a couple of photos of her kicking, one with the legs up ready to kick, and the 2nd with her legs stretched out. It was fun!

Thank you Jesus for a reassuring appointment and a beautiful look at our new baby daughter!


  1. OH my goodness!!! I just got SO excited! Michelle told me on the train back from Portland and we were just thrilled by the news! I can't wait to meet her!!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hope you kept some baby clothes... love to you all!
